Chris and I are expecting baby #3! My due date is September 30th. We had only been trying for one month, so we were incredibly surprised that it worked so quickly. We would love to have a little girl this time, but another boy would still be a blessing. We haven't told the boys yet. I think we'll wait a while and then I will try to come up with a fun, creative way to tell them. I will have to make sure that they understand that this time its OUR baby, and not somebody else's.
Chris and I have already decided on a girl name...LOL. Of course, we won't be telling anyone until the baby is born. And by then we may change our minds anyways. And if its another boy, we will need a name that goes well with Ian and Quinn.
I don't know when I will have my first doctor's appointment. They usually don't want to see you until you are 8 or so weeks along. That is a long time away considering I am only 3w3d. I got my first positive test only 6DPO, a darker one on 7DPO, and a very obvious digital "Pregnant" on 8DPO. I don't think Chris really believed it until he saw the digital test results. But now he's happy and excited. We are going to have to buy all new baby stuff since we got rid of everything previously. We thought we were done with 2 kids so we got rid of everything. We are starting over, no matter if this baby is a girl or a boy. Baby shopping is fun though and I cant wait!
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