Anyways, I have a 3D/4D ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow. I can't wait to see what this little guy looks like! I suppose I'd find out for sure in 6-7 weeks anyways, but I'm somewhat impatient! ;)
I went to Zumba for the first time in months last night and it was tough! I think I did pretty good...I did every song except the one I missed when I had to leave and go pee in the middle of the hour. LOL! I thought I would be hurting today but I feel ok. Just general, full body discomfort which I attribute more towards being 8 months pregnant than going to Zumba last night.
I really can't wait to be done with this pregnancy! I can't wait to work out HARDCORE again and feel strong again. I miss my muscle tone, my smaller body, my energy level. And of course I can't wait to have Arin here in my arms! :)
Here's a picture from a few days ago. Its my 8 month belly pic:

Not too much longer!
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