I like this lamp from Target.

I like this lamp from Target.
He had done an interview recently where he said the role of the Joker had made him anxious and he wasn't getting more than 2 hours of sleep a night. He would take an Ambien and it wouldn't work so he'd take another one and it would knock him out for an hour. Then he would wake up having an anxiety attack.
I think I am so upset by his death because it was so accidental. He has a 2 year old daughter who will only ever know her Daddy through his movies. Other actors have nothing but the nicest things to say about him. He just seemed like an all around decent guy. And now he's gone in the blink of an eye.
As morbid as it sounds, I watched (live) on tmz.com last night as they wheeled his body out of his apartment. And I replayed it in my head last night when I was trying to sleep. It's just not fair. I hope his family can find some sort of peace with all of this.