Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Pink Eye

I get pink eye way more than the average person ever should. What is going on? Seriously?

I understand why I got it twice within a couple weeks time last year. The boys were in daycare and brought it home to me. But why now? Ian must have picked it up in Sunday School this past Sunday. His eye was red for a couple days and now its fine, but yesterday mine was all red and sore. So I figured it might have just been irritated, but when I woke up this morning it was obvious that it was pink eye. Again.

So I keep washing my hands and I'm trying not to rub my eye at all. I've been putting Visine in my eye which makes the red go away for a bit but my eye is still sore. It better go away ASAP. I'm going to have a house full of people this weekend! Ay!

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