Friday, July 24, 2009

No more diapers!

Quinn is officially potty trained!!! We started last Thursday (my birthday!) because we were down to 2 diapers and just wanted to jump right in. That day Quinn held his pee ALL DAY. That evening while I was in the kitchen, he snuck off where I couldn't see him and wet his pants. We put him in a pull-up that night, and he woke up dry the next morning. He wore undies all day Friday and went on the toilet several times. Went to bed in undies, woke up dry. Rinse and repeat. He has only had one accident in the past week! I havent had to clean up pee or wash pee-sheets at all! It's amaaaaazing. And I am SO happy. No more nasty diapers. Hallelujiah!

He had to be potty trained before he starts preschool in the fall. So now we're good to go. We can even take him out places and he tells us when he needs to go to the restroom. Ahh...this is the life!

In non-potty news, I am going to run the Tiger Tracks 5K at the MN zoo on Aug 29th. Half of the run snakes through the zoo. I think I'm hooked now. There's nothing like that feeling when you cross the finish line. It doesn't matter if you're not in the top 10/20/100 whatever...its just an amazing sense of accomplishment to FINISH it. I had a friend ask me if I was going to try to accomplish a 10K in the future and I just dont know about that. Maybe when the day comes when running 3.2 miles is easy for me, I will consider training for a 10K. But I seriously doubt I will ever go past that. A half-marathon or full marathon isn't in the cards for me...LOL. I was invited to run a half-marathon in Las Vegas this December as part of a fundraiser for the Chron's & Colitis foundation. But a half marathon is 13 something miles...and...uh, just no. I will stick with local 5K runs, thanks. I like the commemorative T-shirts too. My Torchlight T-shirt is really nice. :)

I did my WW weigh in this morning and I lost a pound. It's not much, but its better than nothing! And certainly better than gaining! If I can just break back into the 150's within the next few weeks I will be excited. I'm so close, I can taste it! I'm so proud of myself for actually being committed to this diet & exercise routine I'm on. My sister bought some Leann Chin chinese food last night and I resisted the temptation. I wouldn't even take a bite because I knew I would want more. So there's some progress! 24 pounds to go to get back to my surro-twins weight of 140. CAN.NOT.WAIT.

1 comment:

My life can get pretty crazy sometimes, said...

I'm so stinkin' jealous! Rhys has been torture to potty train. :(