Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1st

Happy July! This is myt birthday month, so naturally we celebrate the whole month. ;) I will be 28 this year and it doesn't really bother me at all. People get older, kids grow up, life changes. You can either spend all your time worrying about the inevitable or you can enjoy the life you have been given. I choose to enjoy it.

Well, both my babies will be in school this fall. Ian will be in kindergarten and Quinn will be in preschool. Both are only 2.5 hours a day, so we can all ease into the transition peacefully. Quinn has to be pottytrained by the time school starts, and he is so.not.interested. Cleaning up human waste (or any waste, for that matter) off the floor and out of underwear is NOT my idea of a fun time. Once his current pack of diapers runs out, he's going to have to start cooperating with the toilet. Anyways...

So this is the last summer of Ian's 'babyhood'. He will officially be a student...a school-aged child. This makes me a little sad, but mostly excited for him. He is going to love school. He is such a friendly guy, and he's soooo funny. He will probably end up being the class clown, so I guess I should expect conduct notices to be sent home.

My sister should be arriving into town this afternoon. Her and her boyfriend are driving from Washington. She will be staying with us for a month. I cant wait to see her. I've got to get the house cleaned up real good since she has never seen our new house. She will even have her own more sleeping on the futon like she did at our old house!

I am doing ok with losing the baby weight from the twins. I have gotten to this one point where my weight is just hovering at the same spot, no matter what I do. I've been running 3 miles, 3 times a week, and watching my diet. When I was out of town this past weekend (went to Mississippi to visit my Dad) I ate a lot of good food. So that was a minor setback. My body shape hasn't recovered yet though. My hips are still a bit wider than they should be and I have more smooshy belly fat. Ordinarily at this particular weight, I would wear one size smaller than I do now. So that's how I am gauging it. But I'm not too worried about it. The girls are 3 months old. I've got time to get back to normal! I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and the weight will come off, my body will tighten and strengthen. I'm at 164 and my first goal is 150. Then back to 140...which is where I am happy.

Speaking of the twins, they are doing fabulous! I haven't seen any new pictures in a while, but their dad says they haven't gotten them off the camera yet. I'm not surprised...they are admittedly bad about that! I bet they have changed so much! Their mama went back to work a couple weeks ago...I bet that is both hard and a welcome break for her! It still seems like my whole pregnancy and delivery of the girls was a dream. It happened so quickly, and it was wonderful...and then it was over. But being their surrogate was still the neatest thing I've ever done. :)

I must now take the boys to their swimming lessons. My little boys are turning into little fishies!

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